Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Comix Strip: Pearls Before Swine

Rat and Pig as skyscraper developers - NOT!

Pearls Before Swine

Wednesday Wowness!

On a snowy morning like today, I'm sure we can all wish we were this guy right about now!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Comix Strip: Pearls Before Swine

In today's outing, Pig dreams of a warm tropical vacation, until Rat decides to give Pig a reality check:

Pearls Before Swine

Tuesday Two-Fer!

There's something to be said about Tuesdays - Enjoy!

DVD Tuesday - January 6th, 2008

For you avid DVD collectors, I have great news! It's Tuesday - and that means new DVDs being released today.

This week's new releases include a little bit of everything - comedy, sci-fi and dramatic gay short films

Click on the jump link to view what's new and noteworthy this week:

        He Likes Guys DVD Cover Art

  • Battlestar Galactica - The Complete Fourth Season
  • Pineapple Express - with Seth Rogan and James Franco
  • Babylon A.D. (with Vin Diesel)
  • Righteous Kill (with Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino)
  • He Likes Guys - 8 Great Gay Short Films

Monday, January 5, 2009

Inside the Larry Craig Bathroom Stall w/Michelangelo Signorile

As a subscriber to Sirius satellite radio, I have made a point to listen to the Michelangelo Signorile show on Sirius OutQ channel # 109 every day on my way home from work. His show airs weekdays from 2pm - 6pm EST.

I have to admit - since I have become an avid listener, I have learned a lot more about politics and it's affects on the GLBT community. He's tuned us in during the 2008 Presidential election campaign, as well as the fallout of Proposition 8 and the various demonstrations that followed.

Michelango does capture some video clips of his radio show from time to time. You can catch them on his YouTube channel.

While perusing his latest clips, I found this very amusing video where he visits the very bathroom stall made infamous by Senator Larry "I am NOT gay" Craig. Click on the jump link to check it out - it's a hoot!

New England: The Next Battle Zone for Marriage Equality

From source Edge New England:

GLAD (Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders) have published a report in the January 4th edition of The Washington Times that outlines a directive to align the remaining 4 New England states - Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire and Rhode Island - with Massachusetts and Connecticut in the goal of implementing marriage rights for all. 

Currently, Massachusetts and Connecticut are the only 2 New England states to allow gay marriage.  Vermont and New Hampshire have civil union laws already on the books.  GLAD's ultimate goal is to ensure that laws to allow gay marriage in the remaining 4 states are in place by 2012.

State representatives in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont are already introducing separate bills to initiate discussion that could possibly further equal marriage rights for the GLBT communities.

For more information on the GLAD organization and it's ongoing endeavors to bring marriage equality to all, click here!

See Ya! Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya!

From TowleRoad, file this under somebody finally got a friggin' clue!

Ann Coulter, the bombastic blond beyotch that has made a very comfortable living at spewing her incendiary brand of hate speech is finally feeling the heat that she created.  Matt Drudge (from The Drudge Report) has announced that Ann has not only been dropped from a scheduled appearance on NBC's The Today Show on January 6th to promote her new book, Guilty, but it appears she has been banned from the network - for life!!!  Feeling the pressure from the Media Matters group, network insiders have noted that they will no longer allow her airtime to promote her views.

There's an ironic twist to all of this.  Replacing Ann on The Today Show - none other than Perez Hilton, who is marketing the release of his own book, Red Carpet Suicide.
What comes around...know what I mean?

The Comix Strip: Pearls Before Swine

One of the things that I've always enjoyed about reading the daily newspaper was the comic strips. The unique characters and light-hearted and humorous storylines always seemed to brighten my day!

Well - the style and content of today's daily comic strip may have changed, but yet they still have the unique power to make me laugh and feel better, regardless of the darker issues going on in the world.

Case in point - my top fave - Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pattis. His array of animal characters have wit, sarcasm, silliness and stupidity, all rolled into each and every daily strip. I will admit that his humor is very rude, crude and politically incorrect...and that's just what I love about it. Any strip that can spoof the Larry Craig bathroom stall scandal into one of it's storylines just has to be a keeper!

My goal is to try and post the latest strip every morning before work (if possible). Today's strip takes an ironic step in making fun of itself. Have fun!

Pearls Before Swine

Previous posts of Pearls can be viewed at

Monday Morning Male: Hot 'N Cold

Somehow, I don't believe that this is what Katy Perry was trying to convey in her song, Hot 'N Cold.  Regardless, both pics are nice to look at in ANY temperature!